Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Bigs

There was a puppy at Adam's school today, though I'm not sure why. When I picked him up, his teacher said that all Adam wanted to do was pet the puppy, hug the puppy, kiss the puppy, chase the puppy, etc. He's been telling me all day that "Oh, no! Puppy gone!" Good thing the puppy was at Adam's school and not Jack's, since Jack would have refused to go through the door if there was a puppy in there.

The dentist came to visit Jack's school today and Jack is amusing us with stories about sugar bugs that live in his food that he needs to brush out of his teeth.

Out of nowhere tonight, Jack informed me that "It hurt when I was a baby and I was born. That's why I went WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Then he laughed and said, "That's why I did the wah dance, because it hurt to be born." The wah dance is what Jack called it when Mason was a newborn and would cry and flail his arms about.