Thursday, July 2, 2009


Practicing the "big idea" for one of the days of camp: this is Jack's scared face. Though he couldn't say it word for word the way that it was supposed to be, he did get the idea and said, "Have faith in God, so don't be scared!"

Here is Adam, enjoying the finale to the week, watching his brother singing on stage. He was not happy that he couldn't stay at camp all week. He was actually old enough, but I didn't realize it until too late...but he's a runner, as evidenced by his monkey backpack with tail "leash" that we were testing out before our trip to Disney. Highly effective.

But, if I had known that he was old enough and how enclosed they kept the preschoolers, I would have sent him.

Before you feel too bad for him, know that this week he went to the park, visited his friends Zach and Benny, played with other kids while I went to a workshop and then again at the gym, as well as getting special treats.

Jackie, up on stage, trying to adjust the microphone stand.

Jackie had a great time this week and woke me up each morning with his camp shirt already on, ready to go. I was a student ministries intern at that church, twelve years ago. It was crazy to see the "kids" whom I remember there as ADULT leaders, with kids of their own. Time is not allowed to go that quickly for my own children.