Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Toilet training- round 2

Could it be? Could Adam be ready? Is it possible that soon I could have just ONE child in diapers? Now, granted, I did have just one child in diapers for about a month not too long ago...and then Mason was born, so that didn't last long. Just having one in diapers would be so exciting.

When Adam has a dirty diaper, he will come to me and say "P.U. YUCK!"(peeee yewwww yuck? How do you spell that anyway???)

So, it could be time. It will help that they all have to try to use the potty at school, in addition to seeing his big brother using the potty.

Then again, how do you potty train a child who could win a gold medal in the Olympic sport of Toilet Diving?