Friday, October 31, 2008


I can't believe it, but we actually decided to head out to trick-or-treat yet again tonight. This time, it was in our town. Mason wore Adam's costume from 2 years ago, Adam wore Jackie's from last year, and it was warm enough for Jack to wear his knight costume.

Adam was so excited to be going trick-or-treating again.
Adam loved all the animals that we saw along the way. He wanted to take all the dogs home with him(Jack shrieked every time he saw a dog and claimed that it was going to eat him, even the tiny little dogs). Here Adam is, trying to scoop up a cat.

Adam was very insistent that we go to all the houses, even ones that didn't have lights on- he's telling Daddy in this pic that there's a house right there!

Daddy took his turn tonight being the one that Adam dragged down the street!

Even with all the candy, Jack still wasn't all that thrilled with trick-or-treating.
Mommy pushed a sleeping Mason in the stroller.

Jack was so worn out by the end that he lied down in some one's yard! Adam sat down on two different porches and was ready to hang out with the people passing out candy.

This has been an extremely busy week and we're looking forward to relaxing this weekend.

Preschool Halloween Party

Today was the Halloween Party at Jack's preschool. The kids dressed up and the parents were able to come into the classroom for the first part of the day to take some pictures.

Jack sitting by the little girl that he talks about all the time. They had to be separated later, though, because they were playing too rough with each other. Sounds like the perfect friend for Jack- no wonder he adores her!

Eah of the kids took a turn getting up in the middle of the room for everyone to see their costume and the teacher asked them some questions about it. Below is Jack's reaction when his teacher asked him if he rode a horse to school today. Was he ever mad that he didn't in fact ride one!

The best full class shot I could get- it's hard with 18 3-year olds!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Tonight was Trick-or-Treat night at Uncle Bryan and Aunt Leslie's house. We took the boys over there so that they could go out with Cousin Belly and Grammy, too.
Grammy had on a silly made Mason laugh, though.
Belly is so cuddly sweet.

Mason didn't stay awake very long- he napped most of the way.
Jack didn't have much desire to trick-or-treat. He wanted to be done after just a few house. We were surprised, given his love of candy.

Adam, on the other hand, could not get enough. He pulled me from house to house. If there was a house not giving out candy, he slowed down and stared at it, to be sure that they really didn't have anything for him there. I accidentally walked past a house that was giving out candy and Adam quickly corrected me.

Miss Belly the ladybug with her cousin the chicken.

Mason was happy to be out of his costume at the end of the night.

Jackie liked holding Belly in his lap. I didn't get a picture of it, but Adam kept patting her on her head. They love their cousin.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ladies' Man

We try to stay gender-neutral on toys and not tell the boys that something is for girls(or, okay, I try to stay gender-neutral...I won't pretend to make that claim for Daddy). However, this morning, Jack saw a commercial for a Sleeping Beauty Vanity Table and it was sooooo girly that when he said he wanted it(which he says about all toys he sees on tv), I did tell him that it was sort of for girls, did he really want something like that?

He frowned and squinted up at me before saying, "Well, I have girlfriends. Maybe we could get it so they could come over and play with it."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mall Trick-or-treat

We went to the mall tonight for their trick-or-treat night. Daddy had to work late, so the Littles were stuck in the stroller; it was crowded and I didn't want to have to worry about keeping track of two kids who could run off- or even just one, since Jack was good about staying with his friends. But, Adam would have been off and running to try to find as much candy as he could, as quickly as he could. He ended up getting really filthy- I didn't notice that he was eating alot of the candy as he was collecting it. Jack decided to wear his fireman costume because of our visit to the firestation earlier today. It was a really long day, but a fun one!

Fire Station Tour

One of the moms from Jack's preschool arranged a firestation tour for the kids today. Jack was glad to see his girlfriends were there. Here he is(don't know why he refused to take off his hood this morning) with one of them, hanging on every word of the fireman...and trying to tell him stories, too.

Luckily, Daddy was working in town today and was able to meet us for the tour; Adam was in a mood and wanted to run around the fire trucks.

Right as we walked out to the truck to go home, it started hailing. It had stopped by the time we got home, but that was horrible timing.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Squish Bags

We made squish bags today( and the boys liked squishing the colors together to make a new color. Jack showed Adam how it worked and then Adam was excited about doing it, too. Afterwards, they played outside for awhile and then we went inside for Adam's favorite snack: yogurt-covered raisins. This was all during Mason's morning nap time, so he wasn't outside in the chilly day. Fall has definitely arrived.

Just as a side note, when you put away food coloring, even if you think you put it up on a high shelf, be sure that it's not able to be reached by a climbing two year old...I'm not posting pictures of how I learned this lesson, but if Adam's skin has a strange tint to it in the next couple days, there's the explanation.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Awana Fall Party

Jack went to the Awana Fall Party yesterday. It felt weird to just drop off him with his booster seat and go- he's growing up so quickly! Jack went on a hayride, picked out a pumpkin, got his face painted, and all sorts of fun things! Thanks to Stacy for the pics, since we weren't there to see any of it!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A giraffe in the house

Grammy and Uncle Aaron brought us a giraffe tonight. Adam is home from his day of being spoiled.

Halloween Parade

Walking to the parade: Mason pumpkin was all bundled up!
Adam was off being spoiled by Grammy.

Jack was on a "pumpkin patch" float with his preschool.

We were thrilled when he stayed on the float!

Looks so innocent

Doesn't it look like Daddy was having a nice storytime with the boys last night? In reality, they were in the middle of a crazy wrestling match and I happened to catch this shot- a moment of calm in the storm.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Park Playdate

We met up with the boys' friends, Matt and Jake, at the park today.
With all this fun stuff to do,

Where did Adam want to go?
Yup, he's a true Roush boy.

Jack and Matt were trying to figure out how to put the apples back on the tree.

Mason's gorgeous eyes melt my heart.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Catching Butterflies

The boys love playing with Elefun.

Mason laughed at his brothers while they were playing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Poor Tigger

Adam sleeps with a Tigger that is almost as big as he is. At least, he did, until today. He discovered that he could open Tigger's back(velcro opening- there's a battery pack in there that makes Tigger laugh). He pulled out all of Tigger's fluff.