Friday, October 30, 2009

Adam's Party

Adam's party at preschool was this morning. He was a little tired from all the activity last night, but still excited to go to school. He will miss Miss Alissa.

Adam stayed after school for a few hours while Mason and I ran errands and Jack was with Grammy. It's a good thing that today was his last day of school or he would expect to do that every time.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


For trick-or-treating, we went to Uncle Bryan and Aunt Leslie's house for the third year in a row. Uncle Aaron and Miss-going-to-be-my-aunt Lindsay, and Grammy were there, too.

The boys were all dressed as monkeys, though I think Mason's costume was the cutest. It's the tail that did it.

Mason rode in the wagon with Annabelle, who was Uniqua from Backyardigans.

Uncle Bryan pulled them along.

Not quite sure what that face was about.

I think there's dirt on my apple...

Love this monkey face

A monkey with a monkey tail

Moving so fast that they are a blur...

Uncle Aaron and Jackie

Love that monkey tail

Adam and Annabelle

Uncle Aaron was holding out a cupcake for Mason to get him to look at the camera.

What a fun night!

Hot Dog

Jackie used the couch cushions as the bun, the blankets as ketchup, and himself as the hot dog.

Class Party

Jackie's class party was this afternoon.
It was also his last day of preschool at ZIPPCO.

Jackie with Miss Becky, whom he loves.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Say Cheese

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jack E

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Art Show

Jackie's preschool class has been working on various art projects during the school year, saving them for the art show in November. Since we are leaving at the end of October, Jackie's teacher gave us his projects to take home.
Here's Jackie's own art show:

Handy Mason

Friday, October 23, 2009

Adam's Fireman Puppet

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jack and Zach

Best Buds!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Jack's preschool had a field trip to the pumpkin patch. Uncle Aaron came along to help with the boys and to see his nephews before our big move.
Mason is the "cutest pumpkin in the patch."
Shirt from Grammy Jeannette: thanks!

Oooh, scary tree!

Trying to get a pic with all the kids.

Adam loved the bunnies. One of the workers took one out for the kids to pet and Adam watched carefully to see how she opened the cage...and opened the cage himself and took out one of the bunnies! Yikes.

Storytime in the teepees.

That child rolling down the hill, in the yellow shirt...yup, that's Jackie.

Playing in the hay and checking out the animals while we waited our turn for a hayride.


The kids each picked a small pumpkin when we were done with the hayride. There were some oher activities after that, but we chose to go home for naptime instead.